Press Release: Let's Go Aero Ramps Up BlackBox Enclosed Cargo Carriers Production for the Heart of the RV Industry

BlackBox Cargo Carrier on Class A RV

For immediate release September 21, 2021
Colorado Springs, CO

Let's Go Aero (LGA) has boosted the production of its supersized BlackBox™ enclosed cargo carriers with new build capacity in Grand Rapids, MI. The move comes with feature improvements for strategic distribution to the greater Elkhart RV market. The expansion positions the BlackBox as an OEM-friendly add-on for RV's, SUV’s and vans.

"It’s been a goal of ours to get GearDeck®, GearSpace®, and BlackBox production, what we like to call our “Cargo Killers”, established in the RV manufacturing capital of Michiana," says Marty Williams, President and CEO of Let's Go Aero. "We are jazzed to see production continuing to ramp up.” The Cargo Killers are Made in the USA!

The BlackBox model is the largest enclosed cargo carrier on the market with an extra-large interior dimension of 72"L x 32"W x 40"H. With a little over 51 cu. ft. of cargo space and a 315 lbs payload weight rating (and a 500 lbs gross weight rating), the BlackBox carries up to four bikes, loads of luggage for group travel, generators, mobility wheelchairs, and more. Built on Let's Go Aero's GMC award winning TwinTube® platform for exceptional strength and stability, the BlackBox slides out to clear towable slide-outs, passenger and cargo van doors, truck tailgates, and SUV liftgates.

Early models of the BlackBox were first released in 2012 in response to the growing demand for larger storage capacity among bicycle enthusiasts and small RV owners in particular. As bicycles increased in size and types, from 29ers to trikes and recumbents, to the latest e-bike products,

Let’s Go Aero “raised the roof” of the BlackBox with a second BlackBox PRO model, offering an added 8 inches of height to accommodate the popular bicycle lifestyle gear of what is now coined as #VanLife.

The newest move to the RV OEM channel entails design enhancements including heavy-duty bolt lock down security, larger LED stop/turn/tail lights, a longer slideout, and a solid floor panel design. The company has also teased the possibility of OEM customization for RV and conversion van manufacturers, creating the opportunity for manufacturers to offer unique storage options with customized branded graphics.

Let’s Go Aero is a Colorado based outdoor lifestyle brand company dedicated to innovation that enhances the automotive, travel, and outdoor living experience. For more information, contact Let’s Go Aero at 719-630-3800 and visit the company website at


About the Author

Amanda Kennedy

Camping Enthusiast & Product Tester

Amanda Kennedy is an avid camper and captivating storyteller. Whether exploring new trails or writing about them, Amanda brings adventure and inspiration to every aspect of life.